Thursday, April 23, 2009

My First Blog & Post!

OK I should really be in bed asleep right now, but someone told me this would be really easy to do. He shall remain nameless, but it wasn't that easy! Ebay is easier than this! I guess it's all in what your comfortable doing.
Well It's not perfect, and that's probably some of my problem, I want it to look great the first time!
I'm hoping this can keep everyone up to date with our lives plus help out my Ebay sales. We shall see!
Just got back tonight from the Dave Ramsey Townhall meeting of Hope. It was very encouraging and I needed to hear it!
Well that's it for tonight. Time to send out invoices and get paid!
This picture is of Kayleigh and her friend Jacob from Church. One of my all time favorite pictures!


  1. Yeah! I'm glad you started a blog. I love this photo too. CUTE! Happy Birthday tomorrow. ;-)

  2. I Janet. Congratulations. Be sure you put a click-on link to your Kloset 2 Kloset and also make the font for Kloset 2 Kloset MUCH darker.

    We just got home from my emceeing a pro life fund raiser banquet.

    Sat next to the San Diego Chargers quarterback Phillip Rivers (I'm sure you never heard of him--ha ha).

    Good to read your comment about the evening with Dave Ramsey.

    The photo of Kayleigh and Jacob is darling!

    I have my root canal tomorrow. Not darling.

    Love you

    P.S. Your photo is wonderful. Sandra Bullock--look out.

    I have no idea what my profile means--so I picked Google account.

  3. Outstanding! I can link your blog on my blog. Doesn't that sound exciting?
    Don't forget to put a hot link to your eBay store.

  4. Awesome picture Janet! and, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  5. Hello Janet, great start to your first blog. I should have one too....


  7. Oh.they're so sweet. Congratulations to your new blog! You will absolutely enjoy having this! Mesa Family Dentist
